Project Leads

Dr. Nicole Wilson

Bio for Nicole

Dr. Nagissa Mahmoudi

Bio for Nagissa

Dr. Gary Stern

Dr. Gary Stern is the GENICE II project lead. For the past 30 years Dr. Stern’s research has involved the study of environmental pathways of contaminants including their delivery, transport, and elimination from Arctic marine and freshwater aquatic ecosystems. His current research focuses in on the development of oil detection and remediation technologies, impacts and fate of oil spills in Arctic marine environments.

Dr. Eric Collins

Dr. Eric Collins is the co-lead on GENICE II. The Collins Lab works to understand the origin, evolution, distribution, and function of microorganisms in the cryosphere, including bacteria, archaea, algae, protists, fungi, and viruses. Using high-throughput and real-time sequencing of DNA, they conduct metabarcoding, genomics, metagenomics, transcriptomics, and metatranscriptomics. They also develop software for the analysis and visualization of large datasets using machine learning approaches.

Dr. Dustin Isleifson

Bio for Dustin

Dr. John Sinclair

Bio for John